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Claudel L.

Why Are They So Desperate To Jab The Kids?

Besides the obvious reason, which is to create a new generation of chronically ill and pill-dependent Americans, there is another dark purpose behind the diabolically frantic push to give young children the experimental inoculations.

I recently watched a podcast clip from one of my favorite political thinkers, the brilliant David Knight, in which he presented a rather convincing point as to why these C-19 "vaccine" pushers are so desperate to inject young children. Knight explained that at this moment, two plus years into the "pandemic emergency," the vaccine companies are still enjoying temporary immunity from being sued. This is due to the fact that the C-19 jabs are currently being fast-tracked to the market via Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). The EUA is a special provision that these shots have from under the PREP Act, which was signed back in 2005 by the Bush administration to make it easier to produce and distribute vaccines in pandemic emergency situations. It should be noted that people can still attempt to obtain some sort of compensation for suffering from adverse reactions from EUA jabs, but the success rate for those who do try is a paltry 0.3% over the past 12 years.

Alas, the liability shield that the EUA provides C-19 vaccine manufacturers cannot be used forever because eventually, the "pandemic emergency" will legally come to an end. Once the vaccine companies lose the ability to apply for “emergency use authorization,” they will have to transition over to the standard, and more tedious, process of approval. Once that happens, they will become liable for their products. In other words, people will be able to sue the companies for monetary damages if they have adverse reactions after taking their shots. This financial scenario is precisely what the vaccine companies are trying to avoid according to David Knight's astute commentary on the matter. They're terrified of the mountain of lawsuits that they will certainly face. Consequently, they are anxiously looking to add the C-19 shots to the childhood vaccination schedule because the vaccines that are on the childhood schedule are virtually free from any form of liability. This special legal immunity is the result of a 1986 law called the National Childhood Vaccination Immunity Act (NCVIA) which gave vaccine companies near 100% immunity from liability for shots that are on the childhood immunization schedule. Due to this law, it is extremely difficult to directly sue vaccine companies for damages.

In sum, if Pfizer, Moderna, and other likeminded companies are successfully able to add the Covid-19 shots to the childhood schedule alongside DTaP, MMR, Hep B, and the other laundry list of childhood jabs, then they will be able to enjoy near one hundred percent protection from being sued. They would no longer have to rely on the temporary “emergency use authorization” provision to evade the inevitable negative financial impacts they SHOULD be experiencing as a result of distributing these harmful jabs. Millions of Americans have already come down with Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Epilepsy, Myocarditis, Paralysis, and much worse as a result of these “vaccines.” No pharmaceutical head and no Big Pharma giant will ever be held accountable for their crimes if they are able to obtain permanent insurance against liability. I'm desperately hoping that this horrible fate can somehow be avoided for humanity's sake.


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