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Claudel L.

Why Novak Djokovic is A HERO To All Who OPPOSE this Global ASSAULT on Humanity

Updated: Feb 2, 2022

The Australian Open just ended, apparently. I didn't watch it and I don't care about who won. Social justice messaging and coronavirus vaccination propaganda permeate every major sport. I refuse to offer my time and my money to anything that violates my core principles and what I believe in. And that is why I admire what Novak Djokovic did in Australia so much. Novak stuck to his guns and did not allow himself to be pressured, ridiculed, and bullied out of his principles and convictions.

Preface: Throughout his entire ordeal in Australia, Djokovic displayed the same gritty determination and courage that catapulted him to the summit of the tennis world. His uphill battle against the totalitarian vaccination regime was eerily similar to the epic court battles that he has had throughout his storied career, many of which ended up being thrilling comeback victories against formidable opponents. Unfortunately, Novak came up short against this particular foe but his struggle was not in vain because he is still a CHAMPION in the hearts and minds of many.

Two weeks ago, Novak Djokovic was unceremoniously booted from Australia after a weeks-long saga over his right to play in the Australian Open despite being “unvaccinated''. Prior to his arrival in Australia, Djokovic had already been given a medical exemption by the Victoria state government based on his “recovery” from a recent positive Covid test. However, his exemption was overruled by the Australian federal government.

Djokovic spent several days in a dingy “quarantine hotel” while his legal team fought for his right to remain in the country and compete. He was released from detention on the 10th of January when a judge ruled that he was legally allowed to play in the tournament. Djokovic was able to enjoy a few days of “freedom” before being ignominiously sent back into detention after an Immigration Minister deemed that his visa was invalid. He remained there until his visa was revoked completely by three federal judges and then he was officially deported from the open-air prison that is Australia.

While Novak may have lost his struggle against the tyrants of Australia, I am incredibly impressed by Novak Djokovic’s unwavering resolve in the face of medical authoritarianism. His refusal to cave to the inexorable pressure that he was facing to take the experimental jabs is absolutely admirable. Djokovic has the absolute right to refuse an undesired and unwanted medical procedure if he deems that his particular medical situation does not require it. And he should not be penalized for that. Nobody should be. His actions are only bolstered by the fact that the “vaccines” are ineffective. They do not prevent infection, they stop the spread of infection, they do not prevent severe illness and hospitalization, and they certainly do not prevent death (by Covid or by the “vaccine” itself). There was absolutely no logical argument to prevent Djokovic from playing.

While Novak was wrong to have lied about his international travel after “testing positive” for Covid-19 on his visa application, the actions of the Australian government over the past 2 years are a thousand times more wrong. It is absolutely despicable for a government to strip millions of citizens of their basic rights for nearly 2 years. It is absolutely wrong to track and trace every single “positive case” and then isolate them and their “close contacts” in detention centers against their will. It is absolutely disgusting to force people to take a product that not only does not even work, but also has a high risk of side effects. It is absolutely unethical to censor dissenting voices and to forbid people from protesting tyranny in what is supposed to be a democratic nation. It is absolutely abhorrent to discriminate against people because of their refusal to take a medical product.

Novak was slightly dishonest about his travels before arriving in Australia because he sorely wanted to play in the tournament like the rest of the players who went there. He simply did not want to be discriminated against and treated like a leper just because he was “unvaccinated.” The Australian government has been lying for 2 years straight in order to enrich the corrupt pharmaceutical industry, empower and embolden petty tyrants, and establish absolute God-like dominion over every single individual. Who is really in the WRONG here? Djokovic? Or the Australian regime? The Australian government has become a terrible despotic abomination that needs to be reigned back in before it is too late.

The government was afraid of Novak Djokovic and afraid of what his defiance represented to the many Australians who are finally aware of the dire situation that they are in right now. The regime felt threatened by Djokovic’s audacious defiance. If Novak Djokovic had been able to win his appeal and play in the Australian Open, it would have been a major blow to the legitimacy of the Australian Covid dictatorship. They simply couldn’t afford to have their carefully crafted impression of absolute power slip from their fingers.

Australians are finally waking up to the fact that if they don’t reign in their out-of-control government, they will be subject to indefinite masking, surveillance, and testing. They are starting to understand that they will be subjected to forced vaccinations, forced isolation, and lockdowns no matter how much they comply. The maniacs running the regime are fully aware of the political awakening going on amongst Australians so they desperately had to kick Novak out of the country in an attempt to extinguish the flame of liberty that still burns in the hearts of many Australian citizens.

The government was terribly afraid of Novak. Not because he posed any legitimate health risk (he absolutely did not) but because of his beliefs. His love of liberty was what they feared could be contagious. They considered him to be a mind criminal who could subvert their authority. Here is what Stephen Lloyd, an Australian government lawyer had to say about the situation:

“Rightly or wrongly he’s perceived to endorse an anti-vaccination view. And his presence here seems to contribute to that and could lead to more people becoming anti-vaxxers

Mr. Lloyd argued that this statement demonstrated the Immigration Minister's belief that Djokovic could be seen to influence his fans based on his own perceived stance on vaccines and "may foster anti-vaccination sentiment in Australia."

Alex Hawke, the Australian Immigration Minister, canceled Djokovic’s visa on the basis that the athlete’s presence in Australia “may be a risk to the health and “good order” of the Australian public and that Novak “may be counterproductive to efforts at vaccination by others in Australia.” He even called Djokovic a "talisman of a community of anti-vaccination sentiment." All of those shambolic and hyperbolic statements from Mr. Hawke sound as if he was terrified of the fact that Djokovic’s freedom-loving attitude could potentially rub off on the enslaved populace of Australia and give them some hope of liberation.

"I consider that Mr Djokovic’s ongoing presence in Australia may lead to an increase in anti-vaccination sentiment generated in the Australian community, potentially leading to an increase in civil unrest of the kind previously experienced in Australia with rallies and protests which may themselves be a source of community transmission,” Alex Hawke added according to RT.

My hope is that freedom-loving Australians do not get discouraged and that they take inspiration from Novak’s courage and grit. Novak is a superstar and a top-flight athlete. He did not have to subject himself to the dishonor of being lambasted and scolded by health bureaucrats. He did not have to subject himself to having his face plastered on newspapers around the world ridiculing him for his decision. He did not have to become the subject of ill-spirited memes. Novak did not have to subject himself to all those indignities. He could have chosen the easier route and just skipped out on the tournament entirely. Yet Djokovic decided to endure some suffering because he wanted to stand up for what he truly believes in. Novak was willing to miss the tournament, lose millions of dollars, and put his reputation on the line for a righteous cause that impacts billions of people. He deserves nothing but praise for that.

None of Novak’s colleagues really stood up for him during his saga and that is extremely disturbing. Rafael Nadal issued some waffling and tepid statements on the issue but never really supported Djokovic. Virtually everyone else of importance and significance in the tennis world was totally silent. This was shameful and sad. I lost a great deal of respect for many of the athletes who competed in the tournament for that very fact. I did not watch any of the Australian Open. And if Novak cannot play in future competitions such as the French Open just because he is "unvaccinated," I won't watch any tennis at all.

Novak’s stand against tyranny could have started a real freedom movement in Australia had the other players just had the courage to join in. If they had refused to participate in the event, the Australian government would have faced the incredible dilemma of upholding its absurd Covid dictates or missing out on billions of dollars of revenue. But the regime never had to face that problem because the Australian Open went on without a hitch. The other players stayed quiet to protect their own pockets and avoid controversy. They were the selfish ones. Novak was the selfless one.

Novak may have been deported from a country that no longer has respect for human rights and perhaps that is a good thing. He is now a hero on the court and something of a tragic hero off of it. To those who still remain in Australia and are subject to the dictates of power-drunk psychopaths who want to forcefully inject you: Do not lose hope. Miracles do happen. Fight as hard as you can, even if the odds are against you. Fight like Novak.

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