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You'll Need a Booster to be "Fully Vaxxed" Soon

A lot of people thought that they were going to be done with the “pandemic” after taking their two doses of Moderna and Pfizer or their one dose of Johnson & Johnson. Incredibly, people still believe that. They say to the rest of us: “JUST TAKE THE DAMN SHOTS SO WE CAN GET BACK TO NORMAL!” But there will never be a return to normal, my friends. Please break free from the mind virus.

Anyway, during a news conference last Friday, the crazy-eyed CDC Director, Rochelle Walensky, hinted that the definition of “fully vaxxed” might eventually change. She said, “We may need to update our definition of fully vaccinated in the future, but right now what I would say is if you’re eligible for a booster go ahead and get your booster…

“May need.” I laughed. What a liar. You should just read that as “will need.” That’s how this agenda works. Walensky’s CDC will eventually throw the left hook after warming you up with jabs. Pun intended.

She continued:

Right now we don’t have booster eligibility for all people. We have not yet changed the definition of fully vaccinated. We will continue to look at this.”

Let me translate: Once a large enough percentage of people have willingly taken a booster, we will chase after the people who haven’t. That includes the people who have already taken their first round of doses and the people who haven’t taken any at all.

does this look like someone you should trust? I'm getting Heaven's Gate vibes

That's precisely what these medical tyrants will do. That’s what the CDC will demand. They always wait and see how many people comply without coercion before resorting to punitive measures.

I’ve seen this coming for a while now, simply by looking at what Israel is doing. Israel has already set a precedent for changing the definition of what it means to be “fully vaxxed.” In early October, they made the booster shot a requirement for Green Pass eligibility. The Green Pass allows Israelis to have the “freedom” to enter indoor venues such as restaurants, gyms, concerts, and synagogues. At the time that they changed the definition, roughly 2 million previously fully-vaxxed citizens became partially vaxxed. Just like that. They must have been furious.

Very soon, here in America, the land of the free, the definition of being fully vaxxed will mean that you have taken the first round of shots plus the booster shot. So if you’re “double-dosed” now, you should get ready to be “triple-dosed” since you’ve already agreed to participate in this regime.

It’s notable that the FDA recently confirmed that the Johnson & Johnson booster is now available via an emergency use authorization. I know that some J & J fans think that they may be able to skate by. You won’t. You'll have to take a booster too. Johnson & Johnson validated the need for their booster by citing some study that claimed that the efficacy of the J & J is waaay down from 88% to 3%. That sounds like a pretty significant drop-off to me. Maybe the first shot wasn’t worth it.

Also, the CDC recently said that you can play mix-and-match with the vaxxes. It’s safe and effective, they say. *cue horror film music*

That means there is no excuse for not taking another booster, or two. You can take your Pfizer then take a Moderna or take a Johnson & Johnson. I do wonder there an option to take a booster that is ½ Pfizer and ½ Moderna? That would be cool. Or what about a shot that is ⅓ Pfizer, ⅓ Moderna, and ⅓ Johnson & Johnson?! I think that would be the holy grail. 100% efficacy for sure.

For the stragglers who haven’t taken any of these experimental inoculations, it looks like it’s going to be an 0-3 deficit soon. You know what they say about being down 0-3. Only 1 in….1 in 7 billion people have ever come back from that.

This situation was out of hand from day 1. It’s a human rights crisis. Now it’s day 500 and something and people still haven’t realized that they’re participating in a dangerous global experiment.

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