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C. Leveille


He wants to use the military to fight the Sun monster? Damn. This is getting serious.

The world’s elite have congregated in Glasgow, Scotland at the 26th Conference of the Parties (COP 26), in Glasgow, Scotland to discuss t̶h̶e̶ c̶l̶i̶m̶a̶t̶e̶ the specifics of how they are going to conquer and subjugate human civilization and institute a permanent global totalitarian regime. This is not hyperbole. This is a fact. The main topic on their COP 26 agenda is climate change, of course. And by "climate change", they actually mean "global warming." Deception and subterfuge is their modus operandi.

Ahem. Now I need to address how Prince Charles of the UK bluntly proclaimed at COP 26 that the global elite want to take military action against the human population. In one of the most egregious climate speeches in human history, this arrogant aristocrat nonchalantly declared war on all of human civilization. No I'm not misunderstanding what he said. I heard him loud and clear. He said what he said. Prince Charles, Lord of the Reptilians, effectively revealed the poisonous venom behind the globalist agenda. And he did it for all of the world to see and hear.

Here is what he said:

“...We need a vast, military style campaign to marshal the strength of the global private sector. With trillions at its disposal, far beyond global GDP and with the greatest respects beyond even the governments of the world's leaders it offers the only real prospect of achieving a fundamental economic transition.”

Umm. He further stated:

“The pandemic has shown us just how devastating a global cross border threat can be. Climate change and biodiversity loss are no different. in fact they pose an even greater existential threat. To the extent we have to put ourselves on what might be called a war-like footing.”

Youtube Screengrab

War-like footing? Military-style campaign? That doesn't sound very climate friendly.

But what kind of war specifically? Biological? Chemical? Psychological? A smattering of each? Should we be expecting a constant “state of emergency” like what happens when nations are actually at war? Or what has happened because of "covid?" Should we just assume that our own governments are going to impose various forms of martial law to wage war against us? Should we be expecting a future of everlasting surveillance where there will be drones constantly monitoring and probing everyone’s compliance with climate control measures and severely punishing anyone who exceeds their allotted carbon output??

And what’s going to happen to anyone who speaks out against this war effort? Prison or even worse?

Unfortunately, the future King of England has indeed declared that the global elite are at war with the billions of people who subsist beneath their ranks. At this juncture, Prince Charles is willing to ditch the mask and announce the true agenda of the world elite because they all know that their true intentions are painfully obvious to anyone paying a sliver of attention.

He, and people of his ilk, want to demoralize and punish billions of people for living and existing. They want to crush the plebeians. They want to trample over us like ants with unrelenting and brute force. Honestly, Charles and the rest of the individuals at COP 26 don't see themselves as human beings. They view themselves as gods. This belligerence from the future King of England is stunning but it was inevitable.

Regrettably, I don't think enough people understand that the climate change stuff and the virus/vaccine stuff are just tools that the globalists are using to bankrupt (and eventually kill off) regular people. They want to create a utopia (dystopia) for themselves where they completely dominate 99% of the population and control everything. They want to impose austerity measures on the rest of us while they buy up acres of land, travel to space, and do whatever else that they please.

Grade school science class taught us that carbon dioxide is essential to life and without it we’d be all dead. And yet these blue bloods want to bring it down to net zero? How do you really think they will accomplish that? They clearly want to get rid of us. Also, when they cut off our oil and our gas to achieve net-zero emissions, we will end up freezing to death. And if you don't submit to their permanent vaccination regimen, you'll starve to death. See how this works? We're going to need divine intervention very soon.


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