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Claudel L.

Covid-19 Cases Rising EXPONENTIALLY in HIGHLY VACCINATED Puerto Rico

Just a few weeks ago, Puerto Rico was boasting about its successful mass vaccination campaign. Puerto Rico has the highest vaccination rate among U.S. states and territories.

But now cases and hospitalizations are EXPLODING. They’re rising exponentially! But how? Aren’t the “vaccines” safe and effective??! :(

I’ll begin by saying this: three-quarters of the population in Puerto Rico is “fully vaccinated.” That’s 75% of Puerto Ricans. To be more precise the actual number is 77.2%. Even “better.” And 85% of Puerto Ricans have taken at least 1 dose. This high level of compliance means that Puerto Ricans "trust the science" and they presumably think that taking the experimental shots will be their one-way ticket out of the “pandemic.” And certainly, given that so many Puerto Ricans have received their “safe and effective” shots, they should be healthy and protected enough to return to normalcy. So that they can enjoy their lives. Right? Do you agree with that? Okay, you do? Alright, well now I’ll say this: Within the past few weeks, there has been a 4,600% increase in Covid-19 cases on the island.

Okay calm down, don't freak out. I know you’re shocked. How can that be?? When 3 out of every 4 Puerto Ricans have received their blessing from Pfizer or Moderna that cannot be true. Why are you shaking? Please try to relax because I have a few more sobering facts to give you. 33% (1/3rd) of all coronavirus cases ever recorded in Puerto Rico have been logged within the past four weeks. I know! I can see the color fading from your face. It can’t be that the pandemic is worse than it’s ever been in Puerto Rico after all more than 75% of the island has been double jabbed. It just can’t be! But it is!

Oh, and what about that thing that you hear from the CDC everyday. You know, that common refrain about how the shots prevent hospitalizations and severe symptoms. Well, what if I tell you this: hospitalizations in Puerto Rico due to Covid-19 have soared in recent weeks as well. And now, there are over 400 people hospitalized due to the virus and that number is continuing to climb upwards. In fact, the hospitalization is twice as bad as it was last year when basically nobody on the island was yet blessed by Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson.

I’m sorry, did you say something? I've been doing most of the talking. Oh, you think that the vaccinations are not working? That's a good observation. I would agree with you! Hey, did you know that 26.8% of Puerto Ricans have received their 3rd jab? Yeah, almost a third of them have gotten the booster. But sadly, vaccine efficacy is plunging because of Omicron! The Omicron variant is rendering the “vaccines” totally useless! It’s as if there is no “vaccination” at all!

Did you now that the omicron variant accounts for 92% of the COVID-19 cases in Puerto Rico?? That pesky Omicron! Isn’t that terrible? Dear God, please stop crying! Get a hold of yourself for goodness sakes. It’s because of Omicron that the vaccinations are pointless! Yes, I know, please calm down. I agree with you this needs to stop. I do think that it’s time to stop the vaccination program because it’s not working. It is time to lift the restrictions and just allow people to use their common sense again to try to avoid illness. But I have more bad news. What if I told you that the Puerto Rican government plans to double down on the tyranny? Aww, please don’t cry. There, there, it’s going to be fine. The government just cares about the people. Wipe your tears and allow me to tell you what the government is planning to do to stop the surge of illness.

More severe restrictions are coming!

“This is not the time to get together, “ said Puerto Rico’s Health Secretary Carlos Mellado in a press conference ahead of New Year’s Eve gatherings.

“Gov. Pedro R. Pierluisi has ordered lower capacity limits in restaurants. To attend large public events, people now have to be vaccinated and present a negative COVID-19 test. Passengers arriving on domestic flights must show a negative test taken within 48 hours before arrival, regardless of their vaccination status. Similar rules were already in place for international flights. The island's mask mandate implemented since the beginning of the pandemic remains in place.”

Double protection! You have to be double vaccinated AND present a negative-test! Amazing!

The Governor also followed the advice of the Scientific Coalition, a group of so-called public health experts and

“ordered businesses closed between midnight and 5 a.m. from Tuesday [Jan. 4] until Jan. 18.”

That means that curfews are back in effect! This is science!

“The government recently announced that booster shots would be required for first responders, restaurant employees and public employees that work in the educational system.”

Get your boosters!! Boosters are the ticket out the pandemic. Three shots are the charm.

“Mass public events, including an important celebration to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the island’s capital, San Juan, have been canceled. “Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rocking Eve,” which ABC had planned to broadcast live from Puerto Rico in front of big crowds, was downgraded to a virtual event.

Wow! They even canceled historic and meaningful events for Puerto Ricans! Sad right? 77.2% fully jabbed and this is the result! The Puerto Ricans took the jabs! They followed the science!! They complied! But the pandemic is getting worse! ¡Ay Dios mio!

Don't worry. I see that you've run out of tears so I'm going to end this torture now. But first, get a load of this. Disease “experts'' have traced the massive surge in cases in Puerto Rico back to a Bad Bunny concert in mid-December that had 60,000 people in attendance. A large crowd of people spreading a virus? That sounds reasonable enough until you hear that in order to attend the concert, attendees had to show proof of full vaccination. Rub your eyes if you have to, but it's not going to change what you just read because you read that correctly. Indeed, Puerto Rico bore witness to a science-defying spectacle! There were 60,000 fully vaccinated people transmitting the virus and infecting each other while drinking and dancing to Bad Bunny’s lecherous Spanish raps. Can you believe it? After the decadent super spreader event, 2,000 people tested “positive” for the virus. In order to avoid such a catastrophe in the future, Bad Bunny and his team should require attendees to be “fully boosted” in order to see him perform. That’s right. Three shots of Pfizer/Moderna minimum to enjoy his live performances. Maybe that will keep everyone safe.


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