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Writer's pictureClaudel

Endless Vax Disinfo: Washington Post Tells 2 Lies in 1 Sentence

The article itself is a dumpster fire as well, full of propaganda by the dishonest author that upholds the Covid-19 vaccination narrative and the fundamental tenets of the pandemic regime.

The Washington Post recently published an article that contained the admission that it's no longer a pandemic of the unvaccinated” to some fanfare. Some anti-Covid-19 vax people celebrated this false “confession.” The number of naive and foolish people who think that the WaPo is finally telling the truth is annoying, but not surprising. The entire headline is wrong and misleading. And beyond that, the article itself is full of lies and false statements. The sly WaPo author somehow managed to disseminate a deluge of untruths and absurdities which include: 1) claiming that the "unvaccinated" are at the highest risk of dying from Covid-19, 2) saying that because large numbers of people are vaccinated that it makes sense that they are dying more 3) portraying that Dr. Fauci is a hero, 4) arguing that booster shots provide protection, and more. Alas, for the sake of brevity, I will just focus on the headline. The WaPo is able to peddle disinformation and misinformation™ to the public because of their privileged position as an accepted media source. The WaPo is lying on two fronts. Firstly, there was never a pandemic of the unvaccinated, and secondly, there is no pandemic right now.

I will address the first lie in this post. Around this time last year, things were looking very bleak. Last September, Joe Biden made a formal address that condemned Americans who had not taken their shots and officially declared that there was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” People like Dr. Fauci, Rochelle Walensky, Rachel Maddow, and Olivia Rodrigo all argued that the "unvaccinated" were to blame for the pandemic. Widespread censorship of relevant Covid-19 data and the Communistic suppression of truth-tellers made it difficult to disprove the lie that there was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” Nonetheless, this so-called "pandemic of the unvaccinated" was always a complete fabrication. This concept was weaponized by Big Pharma and the U.S. government to convince the general population to turn against their “unvaccinated” friends and family and to encourage them to use bullying tactics to force them to comply.

I have been writing and posting about Covid-19 media canards for over 2 years because I saw through the lies back then and I continue to see through the lies now. I personally debunked the lie of the "pandemic of the unvaccinated" last December. It didn't make sense to me that places like Gibraltar were almost 100% vaccinated and still having Covid-19 outbreaks. It didn't make sense that "fully vaccinated" concert-goers who went to "vaccinated-only" events were causing spikes in Covid-19 cases. I soon discovered that the uncensored data never showed there to be a disproportionate amount of “unvaccinated” people coming down with Covid-19. In fact, the “vaccinated” in heavily jabbed places like Israel were already coming down with similar or higher rates of illness than the "unvaccinated" last year.

The fact of the matter is that the Covid-19 regime censored, cherry picked, and obfuscated relevant data. That unscrupulous behavior removed all checks and balances and allowed them to publish over-the-top propaganda pieces claiming that 99% of Covid-19 deaths were among the “unvaccinated.” The CDC also used various forms of chicanery to skew results against those who had not taken their shots. In April 2021, the CDC stopped reporting asymptomatic or mild Covid-19 cases among the "fully vaccinated" on their website. Even though people could still access those numbers elsewhere, most people were too lazy to seek it out. They just trusted whatever the CDC reported. That subtle change in reporting gave the false impression that "vaccinated" people were doing much better than "unvaccinated" people. That is only one of the several underhanded tricks that the Covid-19 regime used to synthetically increase the morbidity and mortality rates of the “unvaccinated” population. But there quite simply never was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

I wrote this in January 2022

The “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was a myth that was generated by collusion among the U.S. government, Big Pharma, the FDA/CDC, public health “experts,” celebrities, and the media who were all lying by omission or just outright lying. Their ultimate nefarious goal was to inject as many people with dangerous and untested medical products as they could before people would really start asking questions. By my own arduous efforts, I was able to maintain access to banned and blacklisted medical professionals, censored websites, and censored whistleblowers. They were countering mainstream media lies and revealed the shocking truth that much of the data that was prevented from reaching the general public showed that it was “vaccinated” people who were the ones getting sick at alarming rates. They were honestly analyzing the information and coming to the conclusion that there was no evidence of a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” McKenzie Beard of the WaPO, you're nothing more than a liar and an apparatchik of the pandemic regime. I will discuss the second lie in my next post.


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