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C. Leveille

EVIL World Elites used FEAR PORN at COP 26 to push CLIMATE CHANGE Agenda

This is all for the Great Reset

It comes as no surprise to me that the world’s pompous elite scaled up their climate change rhetoric at the recent COP 26 while planning to implement more heavy-handed measures to “save the planet”. Prince Charles of the UK actually said that we need to use the military to fight the climate. It’s not a shocker because I understand that the “pandemic” and the climate change stuff are two peas in a pod. The end goals (final solutions) are the same. If you still don’t understand how the virus is a Trojan Horse for the climate change agenda, just read up on the Great Reset by World Economic Forum leader Klaus Schwab. Additionally, read about the UN’s Immunization Agenda 2030, which lists mass vaccination as an essential part of achieving their 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 for addressing the Earth’s climate.

The UN literally lists vaccination as a key component for 14 out of those 17 goals.

But let's talk about the fear porn.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Let's begin with the despicable UN Secretary-General António Guterres. As one of the figureheads of this climate scheme, he had to add his own brand of hyperbole to kick off COP 26. He solemnly announced that “we face a stark choice: either we stop it [climate change] - or it stops us.”

Stops us from, what exactly? Stops you from taking over the world António? Maybe that’s a good thing.

He went on: "It’s time to say: enough. Enough of brutalizing biodiversity. Enough of killing ourselves with carbon.'

Killing ourselves with carbon? What? Why don’t you take the first step to stop killing yourself with carbon Mr. Guterres? You know what to do. You decrepit old geezer, I'm sure you know what human beings are mostly made out of, correct? Carbon. We are carbon-based life forms. Like almost all living things, you pompous ass. Carbon is an essential element for the planet.

The elites’ demonization of carbon is nothing more than a poorly veiled threat against regular human beings. The climate change subject is simply a Trojan Horse for the implementation of a perpetual world domination scheme. They want less people occupying the planet so that they can enjoy it for themselves. That’s why they basically want to brainwash, cull, and then reduce the population through engineered viruses and vaccines. That’s their ultimate goal. They actually want us dead.

Since it was Halloween season, Guterres decided that it was appropriate to get morbid. Thus he boldly asserted that we irresponsible humans “are digging our own graves.” No, António, you are the one digging the graves. The UN is a corrupt organization, that spreads dirty vaccines to different parts of the world, and commits various crimes including mass rape. So before talking about digging graves, Mr. Guterres, I respectfully think you should take a look in the mirror. The UN is digging graves right now with the despicable actions that it has taken over the past year and a half in locking down the world and mass vaccinating the planet.

Mr. Guterres also implored humans to stop “treating nature like a toilet.” Disgusting. I think that’s a little gross, António. Actually, why don't you flush yourself down the toilet you piece of sh*t? The funny thing is that you actually look like a toilet.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Naturally, uber-globalist shill Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the UK indulged himself heavily in the climate fear porn. He compared the topic of climate change to James Bond being strapped to a doomsday device. Boris Johnson, the buffoon, warned the audience that “it is one minute to midnight on that doomsday clock and we need to act now,” essentially cajoling his fellow elites to defuse the climate bomb by any means necessary.

Calm down dude.

Additionally, PM Johnson, the snooty tyrant who pretended to be a patriot and a nationalist with Brexit, also urged that it is time to “end the great chainsaw massacre” of the nation’s forests. Haha. Powerful.

Indubitably, fear monger extraordinaire Boris Johnson showed off his pop culture savvy with the movie references at COP 26. It is so very impressive how he alluded to James Bond, and then seamlessly referenced the graphic and gory horror flick The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Clearly, PM Johnson is rolling the climate film and he is seeing nothing but death and destruction. He must be having nightmares every night about the daily bludgeoning of the planet that ordinary people like me and you are doing. We're hacking the Earth to death, or holding it hostage with an explosive device attached. Or both. That's what White Knight Boris thinks. He just wants us to stop being so bad.

Oh, and as bad as all of that was, he wasn't done blabbering. He warned that “the anger and impatience of the world would be uncontainable unless COP26 was the moment leaders got real about climate change.”

Really? Who’s going to get that upset about something like "climate change" Boris? You? Enroll yourself in anger management classes as soon as possible, you dope. When Johnson said “the world” he actually meant himself and the narrow group of nobles who were listening to him babble on at the conference. Those are the kinds of individuals who Boris believes will be driven to fits of rage over lack of action on "climate change."

President Joe Biden

Dusty old puppet Joe Marionette Biden basically went to COP 26 and announced that his administration will be shutting down U.S. oil and gas production between now and 2030. All in the name of preserving the Earth.

Here's how the Daily Mail summarized what Biden had to mumble at COP 26: "President Biden announced a bid to lower emissions of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, by 30% by 2030 with tighter regulations on the oil and gas industries."

Old Joe mumbled a number of other things, like pledging to end deforestation by 2030. But beyond that, he was basically parroting the narratives that others were saying. He can't think for himself anymore because his brain is shot. He's an empty shell. Spineless dotard that he is, he managed to find some time to apologize for Trump's refusal to abide by the ridiculous 2015 Paris Climate Accord. Booster Biden doesn’t think that the U.S. is a sovereign nation, just like he doesn’t think you have sovereignty over your own body. Booster Biden is okay with relinquishing U.S. energy independence and surrendering any semblance of American self-government.

Booster Biden is ready and willing to subject each and every U.S. citizen to all the pernicious aspects of the UN’s climate machinations. Those machinations will eventually result in the abolition of gas-powered vehicles, severe reductions in personal heat/AC usage, and the complete overhaul of the farming industry to focus on plant-based products rather than animals.

Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury

I saved the best for last. This one is sort of hilarious. Some holy man named Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury (who was not actually at the COP 26 venue but was interviewed separately by the BBC) decidedly took the fear mongering act a tad too far and made a massive blunder by comparing the climate crisis to Nazi genocide.

To be fair, In the heat of the moment, he probably thought it was the right thing to say. Because of course, everyone would gasp at the mention of such a horrible and reprehensible event, right? The holy man said, with great and utter conviction, that failure to act on the climate “would allow a genocide on an infinitely greater scale than was committed by Hitler's regime.”

HAHAHA. Oh really? is that what’s going to happen to us if we don’t address the climate? Oh my God! Oh my goodness. An infinitely greater scale? My word! How many deaths are we talking about here, holy man? SHOCKINGLY, he didn’t realize that he dug himself a huge hole so he kept on blabbering:

“People will speak of them in far stronger terms than we speak today of the politicians of the 30s, of the politicians who ignored what was happening in Nazi Germany because this will kill people all around the world for generations, and we have will have no means of averting it.”

He apologized later. Too funny. From now on, think before you speak, holy man.

In Conclusion

The graphic, visceral, and alarmist rhetoric that these leaders used at the conference should be of particular concern to anyone who understands what is really going on. It is concerning because they’ve never spoken so vociferously and ominously in unison on the world stage about the climate before. But it should be noted that they have used the basically the same doom-mongering language for the entire “pandemic.” They're just starting to shift that same method and apply it to their real goal, which is restructuring the world to fulfill their climate plans.

This so-called climate plot a dangerous and diabolical project that they are bringing to fruition after decades of meticulous planning. They have wanted to do this for a while. These globalist actors have been steadily centralizing more and more power over the years. They’ve been traversing the boundaries of nations and have been creating global laws and global parameters for everything both politically, economically, and socially. Now, they are finally cementing their authority, and that is the true crisis.


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