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Claudel L.

FASCIST Austria Announces a NATIONWIDE LOCKDOWN & Threatens MANDATORY Jabs FOR ALL in 2022

The Austrian leadership said screw it, might as well up the ante and subjugate everyone, because why not? Who is going to stop us?

After crossing the Rubicon last week, Austria has now launched an all-out offensive on their citizens, locking down their entire population starting on November 22nd, even though 67% of Austrians aged 12 and over have already taken their experimental shots.

The scoundrels in power over there decided that the numerous restrictions that they’ve already imposed on their citizens over the past year and three-quarters just weren’t enough.

Worst yet, the Austrian government announced that starting in February 2022, coronavirus vaccines will be MANDATORY FOR EVERY SINGLE AUSTRIAN with painfully narrow exemptions. If implemented, this would give Austria the ignominious achievement of being the first European country to apply the mandate to 100% of their population.

The situation is getting very scary and very dire for Austrians. People who don't go along with this will be facing jail or prison. According to The Guardian, “those refusing to be vaccinated are likely to face administrative fines, which can be converted into a prison sentence if the fine cannot be recovered.“

And there is no escape from it either. Austria actually “has a centralised national database of vaccination” which allows the government to easily and directly “determine who has not yet got a jab.” Therefore, nobody in Austria will be able to escape becoming a science experiment. Austrian authorities will definitely hunt people down.

One of the key people implementing this tyranny, Austria’s Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein said: “No one wants a lockdown, it is a crude instrument, but it is the most effective instrument that we have available”. I laughed bitterly at that statement because that's a lie, if I’ve ever heard one. Evidence dating back to early last year shows that people like Wolfgang Cückstein take enjoyment from enforcing lockdowns.

This development in Austria is a rapid and disconcerting escalation of an unethical project that is harming people and robbing people of their basic freedom. Austria is going through a surge in cases that didn’t exist before the vaccine rollout. That means that at minimum, the so-called vaccines don’t work, and at maximum, the vaccines themselves are the drivers of illness. It is not the “unvaccinated” that are the problem, nor are normal everyday human beings a true threat.

The true danger to humanity comes from evil and greedy politicians like the devils in Austria, who alongside their collaborators in big business and big Pharma, plan to consolidate all power and resources amongst themselves while leaving 99% of the world in a state of destitution.

When the Austrian government declared a lockdown of the “unvaccinated” last week, the “vaccinated” probably thought that they would be safe since they were in compliance with the authorities. Well, they ended up being dead wrong. It's funny to think that the “vaccinated” watched their countrymen go under severe restrictions last week and probably shrugged their shoulders. But before they knew it, they ended up in the same predicament because that’s how Communist systems work, no matter what form the Communism is in.

The powerful elite view everyone beneath them almost the same way. That is the crucial fact that people must comprehend now before it is too late. Whether you comply with their dictates or not, they will endeavor to treat you like roaches, but to varying degrees of severity. They will treat the “vaccinated” as a slave class that has to scramble every few months to maintain their adherence and show their loyalty to the regime. And they will treat the “unvaccinated” as total outcasts who deserve to die.

Let the current predicament facing Austrians be a warning to people who think that it is a good idea to comply with and encourage illegal coercion for an experimental drug. Very few will actually be spared from the iron-fisted regimes that are rapidly developing in Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Greece, Australia, New Zealand, and other regions of the world. It is absolutely imperative to realize that there is no action that any unaccountable and out of control government won’t take to display and wield its unlimited power. Especially if the government is not only a political apparatus but also has administrative, financial, cultural, and ideological frameworks that sustain its vice grip on society.

The Austrian government purports that it will lift the restrictions for the “vaccinated” in mid-December. But because the government is now all-powerful, that may change at any time. Therefore, that target date is far from guaranteed. As for the “unvaccinated,” the government originally declared that they would be locked down for 10 days at minimum. Fast forward to today, the lockdown for the “unvaccinated” is indefinite and they may be facing fines and other criminal penalties for not getting a dangerous experimental injection. Human freedom is hard to achieve but easy to lose. Just observe how quickly a “democratic” country like Austria, which struggled for centuries to throw off the yoke of authoritarian rule, can fall victim to blanket despotism in less than a year.

The virus of authoritarianism is spreading quickly. Shortly after Austria declared their lockdown of the unvaccinated last week, other countries have started to mobilize their medical dictatorships in the same direction.

  • Starting next Monday, Slovakia will be imitating the Austrian model and forcing a lockdown on the “unvaccinated.” For an unspecified amount of time, unjabbed Slovaks will face nearly complete separation from societal amenities like restaurants, theaters, and shopping malls.

  • On Thursday, Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel announced that the German leadership will soon be imposing “a limit on public life for the unvaccinated in areas that exceed a certain threshold of hospital admissions.”

  • In Italy, several powerful governors in Italy are pushing for a lockdown of the “unvaccinated.'' One governor named Massimiliano Fedriga warned that "eventual new lockdowns should not have to be suffered by those who are vaccinated.” He continued, “restrictions should only apply to those who are not immunized.”

  • Ireland has decided to re-introduce heavy restrictions, urging people to work from home and enforcing a curfew despite the fact that the overall vaccination rate is currently 75% and 93% of their adult population has been “fully vaccinated.” The Irish Deputy PM went on CNN and said that it’s the fault of the “unvaccinated” that the restrictions (punishments) are being put in place.


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