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Claudel L.


The unsettling level of Covid martial law that the citizens of Hong Kong are suffering under is something to be dreaded and feared. I will discuss some of the unnatural and inhumane measures here in Part II.

Zero-COVID Policy

“Under the Zero-COVID policy, Hong Kong requires a 14–21 day compulsory quarantine for all inbound travelers through a list of designated hotels. They also implemented compulsory mask-wearing in all public spaces, contact tracking, community lockdown, and mass testing whenever a local infection is detected, even though the city has had single-digit local daily infections for months.”

Hong Kong follows a “Zero-COVID policy” in the same vein as Australia or New Zealand, both of which have turned into open air prisons. This means that the Hong Kong government neurotically and despotically moves to detain people against their will whenever one case of coronavirus is discovered. Covid enforcers use the LeaveHomeSafe tracking app to hunt down any person who tests positive for the virus as well as all the people that person came into contact with. After the manhunt is complete, every suspected case including the positive case are sent into a “quarantine hotel” for further evaluations.

As part of the zero-Covid strategy, Hong Kong has special “quarantine hotels” for travelers who enter the city. They have to remain there whether they like it or not for 3 weeks (21 days). After they complete their forced stay, they are then "free" to go where they intended to go in the city, while following all the Covid protocols. Other countries that have adopted this strict and coercive method of human movement control include Canada and the United Kingdom. People tend to report poor conditions in these “quarantine hotels,” which are more similar to prisons than anything else.

Quarantine Camps

Hong Kong actually has a Covid detention facility called Penny's Bay Quarantine Centre. The camp is used to punish and isolate Hong Kong residents who test “positive” for Covid or come into contact with someone who did. It is also utilized for travelers from foreign countries. Close contacts of any confirmed cases whether “exposed domestically or on inbound flights” have to spend 3 weeks in quarantine at Penny’s Bay. Additionally, because of the so-called “Omicron variant,” healthy foreigners are required to spend 1 week at the camp before being transferred to a “quarantine hotel” to complete Hong Kong’s 21-day quarantine mandate for travelers.

Anyone who has the terrible misfortune of being quarantined at Penny’s Bay will likely experience the following:

Total isolation in small 200-square-foot rooms furnished with “plastic-wrapped mattresses, a solitary table, chairs, and little else.”
Zero wifi access. Residents have basically no contact with the outside world beyond their cell phone, if it gets any signal.
One resident who spent 3 days at the camp reported having a “rock-hard bed,” “harsh lighting,” and irregular meals.

Bloomberg News reported that rooms at Penny’s Bay are:

“equipped with basic items like an air conditioner—essential in Hong Kong’s sweltering summers—a folding table, kettle and television. For hygiene, plastic sheets are wrapped around the thin mattresses, leading some travelers to bring their own bedding. Blankets, sheets and towels are provided, but residents are expected to do their own laundry in the sink.”
Delivery from outside restaurants is not allowed. Friends and family can drop “packaged food” off at the entrance.
A fine and/or imprisonment for anyone who has the nerve to try to escape.

In November 2021, 120 school children were dragged into Penny’s Bay after the Hong Kong government determined that they had come into contact with a relative of a pilot who had tested positive for the coronavirus. They were ordered to quarantine for at least three days. I’m not sure how that situation ended but I’m certain it was extremely traumatizing, especially for the children.

Please be forewarned that there is no limit to how ruthless and diabolical the people who are enforcing this virus/vaccination program will become. The sheer callousness of hauling normal people who might be infected with a virus into what essentially serves as a medical prison is just the tip of the iceberg. These grotesque displays of unbridled power and dominion over human beings have the potential of becoming completely homicidal or genocidal down the line.

They say that history repeats itself.

It is evident that Hong Kong’s Penny’s Bay subjects its hapless residents to an unforgiving, impersonal, and dehumanizing experience with echoes of the atrocities that took place during the blood-soaked 20th century. It is disconcerting to consider the fact that the longer that this evil agenda continues to play out, the more likely that the treatment of the unvaccinated, and even of the “covid positive,” will begin to resemble the treatment of the “untouchable” Dalits of India. But even more disturbing than that, it is almost a guarantee that the coercive measures that we see now will steadily degenerate and become brutish, cruel, and wicked. A cursory look at human history lends more than enough credence to this forecast. Eventually, the methods will become indistinguishable from the horrific manner in which people were abused, and eventually killed, in the Soviet Gulag. Pray for humanity.


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