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Jacinda Ardern GLADLY admits she wants Vax Apartheid

Let’s talk about Jacinda Ardern.

She is known as the Prime Minister of New Zealand (2017- ) , and she is also known as the Covid Dictator of New Zealand (2020 - ). She’s a terrifying lady, and that’s putting it mildly. Among the Covid despots (and there’s far too many of them), Ardern ranks very high on the tyranny scale. She has proven herself to be one of the most ruthless medical dictators with her psychotic “zero covid policy” in New Zealand (which only ended recently).

She has put her country through some of the most extreme lockdowns compared to other nations. In August of 2021, New Zealand recorded 1 case of coronavirus in a country of 5 million. ONE. CASE. That was ENOUGH for Ardern to lock the entire country down. And she kept it locked down for weeks. It is only recently that New Zealand has begun to “reopen” with serious restrictions. However, Auckland is still locked down for at least another two weeks. Ardern’s government only plans to make things less restricted when 90% of people aged 12 and up are "fully vaccinated." NINETY PERCENT. It’s totally outrageous. Soon it will be 100%.

I could really go on and on about how twisted and wicked she is, but there’s a viral video of her making the rounds on the Internet that I want to talk about.

(Twitter screengrab)

I’m not sure when the clip was recorded, but I believe that it is recent. I saw it on Paul Joseph Watson's Twitter page. In the video, Ardern is being interviewed by a reporter who is expressing serious concern about the fact that her policies are creating a two-tiered society between the “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated.”

Ardern’s response was chilling to the bone. Keeping her icy blue eyes fixated on the reporter, while assuming an defiant pose of resting her thumb and index finger beneath her chin, she responded, “yep, that’s what it is sir, yep.” I might add that she gave that answer with a nod and a slight grin. This beast of a person is ready and eager to remove basic human rights from a certain segment of the population.

She’s extremely cold and she is a terrifying figure. She is drunk with power and it's abhorrent.

But at least she admits that is what she is doing. There's no obfuscation with her. She acknowledges that she’s an autocrat and that she’s proud of being one. Honestly, that has to be respected.

At least Ardern admits that she is creating a new division in her country between a privileged class (the “vaccinated”) and a slave class (“the unvaccinated”). She has made it abundantly clear that the people who have not taken these experimental injections will be considered outcasts and subhuman trash. They will be punished until they finally come to their senses and submit their body to Ardern and her medical henchmen.

Please note that this agenda is global. This is being implemented in America right now, just not as rapidly or overtly as in Australia. The only difference between the tyranny taking place in places like the UK, New Zealand, Australia, Italy, Israel, and the Philippines and what’s happening here is that in those countries, they are more transparent in their rhetoric about the incoming new global regime. In America, there’s a lot of equivocation and waffling going on. Many of our politicians won’t admit that life will never be the same again. Conversely, Ardern has laid the plan out in the open. She has informed New Zealanders that the end game is a full-on medical dictatorship with strict segregation by medical status. In other words, apartheid.

Shockingly, and unfortunately, despite all of this overreach and abuse, Ardern’s Labour Party was recently re-elected in a landslide and she is still the leader of that party. New Zealanders must be suffering from massive Stockholm Syndrome to willingly subject themselves to this. Clearly, Ardern is not afraid of the political ramifications of being so cruel and heartless because he knows that the political atmosphere over there is tilted in her favor. She doesn’t have to answer for her psychopathic actions. If New Zealanders want to quietly accept this level of despotism then maybe that's what they should have.

I hope that one day Ardern pays for what she is doing. Justice should strike firmly against her. Because what she is doing is evil and wrong.

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