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Claudel L.


Updated: Apr 1, 2022

This is by no means an exhaustive list of all the top players. Far from. I'm just giving the reader a general idea of who they are.

Why has transgenderism become so ubiquitous? The answer is actually really easy: money and influence. The reality is that powerful leaders and institutions in the United States support transgenderism. In America, hundreds of millions of dollars are funneled yearly towards pushing LGBT initiatives in early childhood education, high schools and universities, libraries (Drag Queen story hour), law schools, medical institutions (gender-affirming surgery), research facilities, pharmaceutical companies (puberty-blockers), political campaigns, the LGBT lobby, and the military. In 2018, $28 million dollars went specifically to transgenderism and that number has likely risen since then. Whether you like it or not, the transgender agenda is here to stay and it’s going to get far more intense than it has already gotten.

Below, I will just briefly list some major players in the transgender movement.

"Martine" Rothblatt is a highly accomplished, brilliant, and mega-wealthy transgender individual and transgender advocate. Rothblatt is also a transhumanist. The concepts of transgenderism and transhumanism are related. The doctrine of transgenderism posits that human body parts (particularly the sex organs) are not permanent fixtures. The genitals don't mean much if anything. They are interchangeable and exchangeable. Therefore, people can mix and match them at any point in accordance with their gender identity. Gender is assigned and it is on a spectrum. Consequently, an individual can "un-assign" that assigned gender at any time in order to choose a different one or even a blend of gender identities along the spectrum. That is transgenderism. In a similar vein, transhumanism posits that the human body is designed to inevitably merge with machinery to achieve a more perfect form of existence that transcends the current reality. Transhumanists believe that the human form is unsatisfactory and transitory. They believe that the ultimate goal of human existence is to become god-like, and perhaps immortal, by exchanging our current flesh and blood for silicone and stainless steel.

Marc Benioff is the billionaire owner of SalesForce and the owner of TIME Magazine. Marc Benioff owns TIME Magazine.

Tim Gill is a billionaire American computer software programmer, tech entrepreneur, LGBTQ rights activist. As of 2019, he was the largest single largest individual donor to the LGBTQ rights movement in U.S. history, having personally committed more than $500 million since the early 1990s.

“Jennifer” Pritzker is a transgender billionaire and member of the wealthy Pritzker family. Jennifer runs the Tawani Foundation, a major LGBTQ advocacy organization. Jennifer also sits on the leadership council of the Program of Human Sexuality at the University of Minnesota. Jennifer has committed $6.5 million to that program over the past decade.

  • Pritzker funds the Lurie Children’s Hospital, a medical center for “gender non-conforming children” in Chicago and the Pritzker School of Medicine at the University of Chicago where young kids get gender reassignment procedures done.

  • Pritzker also funds the American Civil Liberties Union, GLAAD, and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation, all of which strongly support transgender causes.

  • Pritzker helped to normalize transgender individuals in the military with a $1.35 million grant to the Palm Center, a University of California, Santa Barbara-based LGBT think tank, to fund research validating military transgenderism

J.B. Pritzker is the incumbent Governor of Illinois, businessman, and pro-LGBT political advocate and financier. He is Jennifer Pritzker's brother.

  • In June 2019, Pritzker signed an executive order requiring schools across the state of Illinois to be "affirming and inclusive" of transgender and non-binary students.

  • In early 2020, Pritzker’s administration implemented a Task Force to improve the learning environment for transgender, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming students across Illinois.

  • In 2019, Pritzker’s administration produced a bill that started requiring Illinois schools to “include the positive contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals in their history curriculum.” Under the bill, all Illinois public schools have to include LGBT individuals in history lessons.

  • In 2019, Pritzker signed a bill for the state's Medicaid program to cover "gender affirming surgeries."

Paul Singer is a cutthroat capitalist, hedge fund billionaire, political fixer, and by himself, is the owner of the debts of entire countries. In other words, he is one of the richest and most frighteningly powerful individuals in the whole world. Singer focuses very heavily on LGBT issues and has donated at least $10 million towards the LGBT.

  • Apparently, he became a champion of gay rights issues after his son came out as gay. He has been an advocate for marriage equality and a key financial backer of the LGBT agenda ever since.

  • Paul Singer and Tim Gill (the well-known LGBT activist), and Daniel Loeb provided generous funds to launch Freedom for All Americans, a bipartisan organization that aims "to secure full nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ people nationwide."

  • In 2013, the Paul E. Singer Foundation and the Daniel S. Loeb Family Foundation awarded the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation a major 3-year grant to “Support LGBT Rights and Fight Homophobia and Transphobia Internationally."

  • Singer spends a lot of his time and resources trying to shift the GOP leftwards to make the Republican Party support the LGBT community just as much as the Democrat Party does. In 2012, Singer founded the American Unity Fund, a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization that “advances the cause of freedom for LGBT Americans by making the conservative case that freedom truly means freedom for everyone.”

George Soros: Of course. Evil billionaire NWO mastermind George Soros pushes transgenderism through the Open Society Foundations (OSF), which he controls and funds.

The biopharmaceutical giant was identified as the top funder of LGBTQ issues in 2018. With $21.9 million going towards the LGBTQ community, Gilead Sciences accounted for over 10% of all LGBTQ funding in 2018.

In 2015, The National Institutes of Health awarded $5.7 million to four different U.S. universities for a five-year initiative to study transgenderism. It was the first study in the U.S. to evaluate the long-term outcomes of medical treatment for transgender youth.

In 2019, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) committed to fund selected research for transgender athletes.

The UN champions transgenderism, calling transgender rights “human rights.” Part of the United Nations Free & Equal initiative is “to ensure visibility, both for the trans community as well as for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and intersex people everywhere.”


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