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Claudel L.

The Globalist Takeover Scheme Continues: What did the Elites discuss at Davos Agenda 2022?

While the average individual continues to waste time and lose brain cells while indulging in mindless entertainment, the world's ruling class are busy discussing the ways in which they plan to conquer humanity and create a brave new world.

World Economic Forum (WEF) globalist mastermind Klaus Schwab recently hosted the Davos Agenda 2022, a virtual summit that took place from January 17-21, 2022. The highly publicized event, which featured a cavalcade of rich and powerful heads of state and government, CEOs, and other global elites, was centered around the UN Agenda 2030 for climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic response, global economic recovery, technological innovation and global collaboration. The Mephistophelian conspirators placed special emphasis on how to combat "misinformation" and "disinformation" surrounding the vaccines, how to honor the Paris Climate Agreement by cutting carbon emissions to "net zero" by 2050, and how to gaslight the bottom 99% of humanity into accepting and even desiring a totalitarian "one world government" system.

The participants included ruling class figures such as Børge Brende, António Guterres, Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, John Kerry, Richard Hatchett, Ursula von der Leyen, Annelies Wilder-Smith, Stéphane Bancel, Xi Jinping, and Olaf Scholz. Each of them discussed their own unique approaches towards discarding the old way of life and implementing a new world order. This is not hyperbole, all you have to do is pay attention to their rhetoric.

I will paraphrase some of their key statements in bullet points below, but I encourage everyone reading this post to just visit Youtube or the WEF website and listen to what these people are saying directly:

Anthony Fauci (Chief Medical Advisor to the President of United States):

  • We are only in the 1st phase of a wider and more extensive virus program. The five phases are the pandemic phase, deceleration, control, elimination, eradication.

  • “Disinformation” and citizen pushback are a big problem for the elite. The United States is not unified enough to push the Great Reset mass vax program forward.

  • We need to develop a universal Sars-CoV-2 vaccine

  • There is "no evidence" that boosters reduce immunity

  • Herd immunity is not really possible with Covid-19 because of the threat of variants. Even with "vaccines," there is always a strong possibility of breakthrough infections and outbreaks.

Annelies Wilder-Smith [Professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (UK)]

  • The world needs to be prepared for the worst case scenario of a variant that has high transmissibility and high mortality.

  • Omicron is not the last variant so world governments have to maintain their authoritarian postures and and maintain their readiness to lockdown at any time.

  • It's a wonderful thing that more than half the world's population has been double vaccinated.

Stéphane Bancel (CEO of Moderna)

  • Moderna wants to have a single annual booster of the vaccine for Respiratory synctitial Virus (RSV), Influenza, and Covid-19 by 2023

  • He is very upset about the “misinformation” that is hampering people from taking the vaccines.

  • He wants to make an “Omicron specific” vaccine

Richard Hatchett [Chief Executive Officer of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)]

  • Covid will continue to evolve and be endemic

  • Covid can become a “pandemic at any time.”

  • Booster doses are very helpful for immune responses

Sharan Burrow [General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)]

  • We need a "new social contract" and it needs to be "inclusive."

  • We have to rebuild trust in “democracies”

  • Every economic sector has to transition for climate control.

  • We need income "equality" via minimum wage laws and we need "equality" in terms of gender and race

Svein Tore Hostether (President and Chief Executive Officer of Yara International)

  • The climate crisis is a common threat which requires different ways in which we able to get together and “listen to science” to come up with solutions

Alessandra Galloni (Editor-in-chief of Reuters)

  • Media and scientists are giving people the information that they need to hear which is a good thing. People like numbers and facts given to them by the experts.

Nicolas Schmit (European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights)

  • Before the pandemic the social contract was broken. We have to rebuild our societies and build a brand new social contract.

  • The old way of doing things has to be discarded.

  • We have to rebuild "solidarity" in our society.

  • The pandemic has not diminished the impact of climate change. The climate crisis is an even bigger challenge for our society. We have to continue and even amplify our measures in relation to climate change.

  • The pandemic can help us and be an accelerator to reshape the world.

Jonas Prising (Chairman and CEO of ManPowerGroup)

  • Climate change is "real and it’s happening."

  • It took us "40 years" to finally admit that climate change is a problem and we finally understand that we have to avert a planetary disaster with climate warming

  • The Covid-19 pandemic has taught us what can happen in terms of the "acceleration of inequality" and we need to take action on the climate now to prevent a catastrophe.

Børge Brende (President of the World Economic Forum)

  • Climate change is the most “scary” challenge and risk that we face. The most important discussion we can have right now is how we are going to stop our planet from being on fire.

  • We have to get back on track with the Paris Climate Agreement goal of keeping the trajectory of global warming at or below to 1.5 degrees Celsius

John Kerry (U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate)

  • Too much coal is being used. The aim is to get to zero carbon emissions by 2030

  • The private sector together with the government have to collaborate.

  • We have to accelerate the transition from coal.

  • No country is moving fast enough. The world has to pick up the pace.

  • We need a dramatic shift in how governments are behaving and in how the world is behaving

Bill Gates (Co-founder of Microsoft and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)

  • The cost of being green is still extremely high.

  • Carbon taxes are needed to drive demands for clean products, particularly in high income countries

Xi Jinping [(General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and President of the People's Republic of China (PRC)]

  • Countries need to strengthen "international cooperation" against COVID-19.

  • We must "fully leverage vaccines" as a "powerful weapon," ensure their "equitable distribution," "quicken vaccination" and "close the global immunization gap."

  • "No matter what difficulties may come our way, we must adhere to a people-centered philosophy of development, place development and livelihoods front and center in global macro-policies, realize the UN's 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and build greater synergy among existing mechanisms of development cooperation to promote balanced development worldwide."

Olaf Scholz (Chancellor of Germany)

  • By 2030 80% of the energy will come from renewables.

  • All people in the world need to have the chance to be vaccinated. Germany will support the COVAX initiative to accomplish that.

Klaus Schwab (Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum)

  • Klaus Schwab (Speaking directly to Olaf Scholz): "You have started your [vaccination] mandate which is an ambitious transformation and necessary program for Germany that includes the pillars of decarbonization and digitalization of the German economy."

  • We are living in the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We have the chance for a new Renaissance.

António Guterres (Secretary-General of the United Nations)

  • If we fail to "vaccinate every person" we give rise to new variants that spread across borders that bring daily lives and economies to a "grinding halt."

  • If we fail to match "climate rhetoric" with "climate actions" we condemn ourselves to a hotter, more volatile Earth

  • We have to vaccinate 70% of the global population by the middle of this year (2022.) We need "vaccine equity" now to support vaccinations in the 3rd world.

  • We have to prepare for the next pandemic by strengthening the authority of the World Health Organization.

  • We need to support real climate action in developing countries to help them dramatically reduce emissions by 2030.

Ursula von der Leyen (President of the European Commission)

  • She said that the pandemic has “demonstrated” our “democracies” ability to act

  • She emphasized that “democracies” are the more powerful, resilient, and more sustainable form of government

  • She mentioned that the pandemic has facilitated more globalization and consolidation in the European Union, specifically the European Green Deal and digitalization of the European economy.

  • High gas prices are good for accelerating the transition to a green economy

  • People need to trust elites and trust the government

  • Countries should not have “spheres of influence,” national sovereignty is a thing of the past

The global elite view the Earth as their personal garden and they want to curate it in the way that they see fit. For many years now, they have been trying to use climate change fear mongering as a vehicle to change the global paradigm and to get people to change their behaviors and their habits, but that effort failed. Ten short years away from 2030, the globalists realized that gentle coaxing was not producing results, so they chose plan B, which is the use of a disease outbreak or the impression of a disease outbreak to take a more heavy handed approach towards Agenda 2030. Now that the “pandemic” is in full swing, they are starting to pivot towards their original intention, which is to accelerate their ambitious climate change agenda. Their primary intention is to establish total dominance over the world population in order to produce what in their eyes will be a utopia/Heaven on Earth. Unfortunately, it will be a horrifying dystopia... a Hell on Earth if you will, for the bottom 99% of us.


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