It's important to recognize that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is more than just a war. It is also a tool being used by the super elite to produce a shift in how resources are allocated and in how society is managed.

By imposing severe and unprecedented sanctions on the Kremlin, and by voluntarily refusing to import oil and coal from Russia, Western imperialist powers artificially created an energy shortage that may soon turn into a full-blown energy crisis. People of Western nations need to brace for the imposition of forced austerity policies by their psychotic leaders as a direct consequence of these events. Such measures have already begun in Europe.
We can comfortably say that European citizens are starting to feel the pain as the Ukraine-Russia War enters its 6th month. EU member states have started to enforce energy conservation measures on their citizens in case Russia chooses to completely cut off their oil supplies. Which is an extremely likely scenario given the consistent and steady escalation in the conflict. But here's the weird thing. It is clear as day that the sanctions levied against Russia by Western imperialist powers have not had much of an impact on the Kremlin. There have been no reports of fuel hikes in Moscow or massive inflation when it comes to the Russian ruble. In fact, the Russian economy appears to be sailing along just fine.

The sanctions that were supposed to cripple Russia have instead negatively affected the citizens of the Western nations that have done the sanctioning. It's a big joke. Geriatric Joe Biden is groveling in front of Saudi princes, begging for oil deals. The United States and the EU are scrambling to avoid both an economic and an energy crisis, while the Russians are continuing to operate at prewar levels. So who’s really winning this game of global chess? Certainly not the West. Here are some of the energy rationing measures being taken in Europe:
All EU Members Except Hungary:
Energy ministers from the 27 EU member states, except Hungary, have promised to enforce a 15% reduction in gas usage over the upcoming winter if Russia decides to cut off the transport of gas to Europe.
Shop owners who keep their street doors open with the air conditioning at full blast will be liable to pay fines of 750 euros ($765).
Between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m, there can be no outdoor illuminated advertising -- violators risk a fine of about 1,530 euros ($1,562).
During those same overnight hours, no inside temperature can be above 66 degrees Fahrenheit in winter or below 79 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. In parking garages, there can be no lights at all, except when a car or a person arrives or departs.
The public will be expected to turn off wifi routers and televisions when they are away and switch off lights in rooms they are not using.

Cities in Germany are turning off spotlights on public monuments, turning off public water fountains, and imposing cold showers in municipal swimming pools and sports halls.
The German city of Hanover is going balls to the wall. The municipal government is turning off all hot water, even for showers, in every public building. And moving forward, there will be no heat at all in such buildings from April through September.
The Mediterranean nation is enforcing “Operation Thermostat” which has the goal of reducing energy consumption by 10% this year and 30% by 2030.
In Greece, air conditioners cannot be lowered beneath 27 degrees Celsius in summer and “window shields” are being installed in public buildings to keep heat out. Greek employees have been asked to make sure that their computers are turned off after working hours.
Spain’s prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, recently publicly went without his tie and urged others to do the same to save energy on air conditioning. “I’m not wearing a tie and I have asked my ministers not to,” he said.
Public buildings in Italy, excluding hospitals, have been told to prevent air-conditioning units from running below 27 degrees Celsius in the summer.
The Draghi government was actually considering mandatory curfews on all major commercial activities to conserve energy, but then Draghi resigned.
These measures don’t only give clear evidence that the sanctions on Russia are hurting the West and are doing nothing to injure Russia. They also disturbingly convey just how much control Western “democratic” governments have over their people. It is a massive black pill to accept the fact that the leaders of these alleged “liberal democracies” and “Constitutional republics” can arbitrarily decide how warm or how cool people are allowed to keep their own homes. There’s nothing liberal or democratic about it.