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Claudel L.


The NYC nuclear attack warning and the dicey situation in the Baltic region concerning NATO and Russia aren't exactly making headline news. But Hunter Biden’s naked laptop videos are a major topic of conversation?

Things are serious right now. We are closer to nuclear conflict than we have ever been since the end of the Cold War. The crisis over in Europe is getting worse now that Lithuania expanded a blockade on goods being transported from the Russian mainland to Kaliningrad, a strategic Russian exclave in the Baltic region. Lithuania announced this escalation in tactics on July 11, 2022. The EU has since lowered the temperature a bit by clarifying that under strict surveillance, Russia can continue transporting non-military materials and non-sanctioned goods to Kaliningrad by rail, but not by road.

Nevertheless, on July 11th (coincidence?), the New York City Emergency Management Department issued a new public service announcement (PSA) about how to stay safe in the event of a nuclear attack. This highly unusual and stunning announcement is currently flying under the radar as it has barely been mentioned by the mainstream media. But it should be a major news story. This is the first time any such warning has been issued in the post-Cold War era and it came on the same day that the Baltic situation was approaching critical mass.

If we, the general population, were more aware of the Damocles sword hanging over our heads, then there would be zero tolerance for mindless drivel and media fluff pieces about Hunter Biden. He is a drug-addicted, degenerate buffoon who is having zero impact on current world events. In other words, he's irrelevant. Unfortunately, the American population is largely stupid and shallow. As a result, the mass media can easily get away with presenting X-rated Hunter Biden material as “news.” This is what happens when you have a dumbed down population that prefers to be entertained by low-hanging fruit while the world’s elite continue to steer us towards another major global conflict.

For the majority of the Earth's population, with the exception of the narrow elite who receive advance notice, the Covid-19 lockdowns were an unforeseen black swan event. Right now, the Ukraine-Russia crisis is ominously shaping up into what could potentially end up being another black swan event. There has been a constant buildup of arms on both sides of the conflict since it began in earnest back in late February. Billions upon billions of dollars of funds and powerful military weaponry from NATO-backed nations have poured into Ukraine over the past 4 months. Putin and Russia have been under unprecedented sanctions over that span of time but Kaliningrad could be the tipping point. Issuing any further blockades on Kaliningrad would effectively be a full-on declaration of war by NATO. If Russia decides to press the issue and pursue aggressive military action against Lithuania to prevent a real blockade, that could activate NATO’s Article 5, which would trigger the worst possible scenario: Russia versus NATO. Such a crescendo must be avoided at all costs.


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