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Claudel L.


Updated: Mar 4, 2022

The global elite are in the process of cutting off and isolating Russia, demonizing Putin and Russian citizens, bolstering and propagating pro-EU viewpoints and propaganda, and completely eliminating the possibility of pro-Russian perspectives from reaching the masses. Here is what they are doing to accomplish those aims:

This list is absolutely exhausting just to look at don't you think? And incredibly, more sanctions and restrictions are probably being enacted right now as I type. Does this look remotely like a fair fight for Russia? This reminds me of how Napoleon effectively took on all of Europe in the early 1800s by himself. I hope others are asking this question but I really have to ask myself, who are the real power brokers here? Correct me if I’m wrong but it seems to me that Putin and Russia are the underdogs in this fight. Western media has propagated the idea for decades that the Kremlin is ultra powerful and unbelievably influential. For the past 7 years, U.S. media has even accused Russia of swaying U.S. elections. All of that is clearly untrue. The reality is that Moscow doesn’t have as much global leverage as Western sources have alleged. Instead, there seems to be a certain world order that Putin is not in compliance with and now virtually all of the centers of power around the globe are coalescing against him and his country.

To get to the bottom of this suspicious situation, it is critically important to ask: why are we being cudgeled into believing that Russia’s territorial aims are absolutely evil and that Western imperialist aims are absolutely good? That’s an absurd conclusion to make. But the only way that people can come to that kind of ridiculous interpretation is if they are being bombarded by propaganda that is attacking Putin and lionizing Volodymyr Zelenskyy, which is what we have observed thus far. In order for people to come to the most accurate conclusion about this conflict, there needs to be information flowing from both sides of the narrative. But that is not happening. And why not? The Russia-Ukraine conflict is a battle between warring ideologies and clashing interests. There is no “good guy” or “bad guy.” They are just actors on the world stage and people all around the world should be free to choose who they align more with. They should be permitted to voice their opinion about who they think has the more noble reason to be fighting. Instead, the globalist establishment has DEMANDED that everyone needs to support Ukraine. They have tightened the spigot on any news media coming from pro-Russian sources so that only pro-Ukrainian and pro-NATO/EU stories are being pushed to the fore and disseminated.

To conclude, I will say that it is a massive red flag whenever the most powerful figures and organizations in the world embark on a wide-scale censorship and ideological persecution crusade. When people are forced by the corporate press and their allies into believing one narrative about a particular subject, it is fair to assume that there is a nefarious reason and agenda behind it. For example, the top 1% backed the BLM “revolution” in order to reawaken historical racial wounds in the United States and to demonize and degrade the traditional white European ethnic and cultural identity of the country. In doing so, they further fractured American national identity, accelerated the decline of American life, and instigated an aggressive and sustained societal breakdown that is still going on nearly two years later. All of that had the ultimate purpose of weakening America and pulling the nation deeper into an amorphous global world order. And sadly, the effort has been quite successful.

Obviously the NATO/EU cabal is fearful that if the populace gets the chance to hear the Russian perspective on this conflict, then a significant percentage of people would rethink their support for Ukraine. For instance, in the case of George Floyd, when some people learned the truth about his life and how he ended up dead, their opinions about the entire situation changed. It is unequivocally true that the super elites who have been running a deliberately anti-Russian program in Ukraine for the past 20 years or so, fear receiving pushback against the current story that they are selling. They are scared because they tend to be prolific liars and the pushback that they receive is usually based on pillars of truth rather than a bedrock of lies.

There is no question that a lack of popular support from the masses towards NATO’s campaign against Russia would throw a major wrench in the globalist plan to bring Russia to its knees so that it can be swallowed up by the Bilderberg/WEF/UN/Rothschild-directed New World Order that is beginning to rear its ugly head. In order for this plan for global governance to be accomplished, there needs to be significant support for whatever goals that the United Nations, the United States, the WEF, NATO, and the European Union have because they are all working towards the same purpose. Consequently, they cannot afford to have any narratives being disseminated from pro-Russian or even objective sources that could potentially expose any fatal flaws or irredeemable ills concerning their current objectives in Ukraine. And that, my friends, is why I believe that we are seeing unprecedented global mass censorship and outrageous bullying on the world stage via economic and political sanctions against Putin’s Russia.


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